Can't connect to my Wordpress in production


I have successfully developed my Frontity/Wordpress app in local environment running Fronitity on port 3000 and Wordpress on port 8000. (

When I deploy Wordpress in production environment and I switch to the new WP endpoint. I get an internal server error even thought Wordpress Rest api is responding properly.

I also installed my Frontity app on my production server but I get the same error when I try to connect to the Wordpress api.

Here below my frontity.settings.js:

const settings = {
  name: "hesperia",
  state: {
    frontity: {
      url: "",
      title: "Hesperia Hospital",
      description: "WordPress installation for Frontity development"
  packages: [
      name: "@frontity/mars-theme",
      state: {
        theme: {
          featured: {
            showOnList: false,
            showOnPost: false
      name: "@frontity/wp-source",
      state: {
        source: {
          url: "",
          homepage: "/inizio",
          params: {
            per_page: 100,
          postTypes: [
              type: "practical_info",
              endpoint: "practical_info",
              archive: "/practical_info",
              type: "doctors",
              endpoint: "doctors",
              archive: "/doctors",
              type: "services",
              endpoint: "services",
              archive: "/services",

export default settings;

I’ve been working on this problem for days but I can’t find the nature of the problem. I’m sure is wordpress related because when I try to connect to the WP api is working properly.

Thank you in advance for your support and for the really amazing job you’ve done so far!

Hi @maxime.dichiara,

Welcome to the Community!

Are you still having the issue?
The Frontity site seems to work properly