Avoid SEO problems with multiple domains (like in Now)


Are there any option to control the Automatic Aliasing and avoid indexed by Google??

In this moment I think is under important SEO problems with this deployment :frowning:

I think it is not possible to hide or even not allow to index all staging sites on each deployment. On other hand with Github integration is event worst.

For example in same production web you have 3 alias:

  • Your public production domain verified with ZEIT DNS: mydomain.com
  • Your proyect: proyect-name.username.now.sh
  • Your git branch: proyect-name-git-master.username.now.sh

And of course more staging urls and more git branch alias with other versions of the same web and maybe indexed all at the same time with no controlā€¦

In this moment I think is not a good solution to production If we dont have control of that

Hi @cianespablo, thanks for your post and welcome to the community :slight_smile:

Automatic aliasing is a feature of Zeit Now, not of Frontity. So I recommend you to ask the same question in their support forums: https://spectrum.chat/zeit

To avoid SEO problems with multiple domains make sure to always use canonical tags in your <head> pointing to the right domain. Take a special look at the section 6 of this article, ā€œCanonicalize cross-domain duplicatesā€: https://moz.com/learn/seo/canonicalization

thanks for your quick response :slight_smile:

with more time we will see other development options where we have more control

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I just want to do a quick update in this topic.

@zhandosweb pointed out in here that plugins like Yoast automatically manage the canonical tags of your WP theme, so thereā€™s probably a better solution to avoid duplicate content:

1. Use a plugin to password protect your front-end, like explained by @ShaGui here:

More info in this topic: 3 questions from a newbie

2. Use Redirection to redirect all your front-end traffic to your Frontity site:

More info in this topic: 3 questions from a newbie

Finally, we will add options to do this in our upcoming PHP plugin:


Hi @luisherranz,

I used solution nr 2 (Use Redirection to redirect all your front-end traffic to your Frontity site) here, is this still the best pracice?


Yes, thatā€™s perfectly fine :slightly_smiling_face: