Anyone suggest website testing tools for Frontity-based websites

Can you recommend some of the top website testing tools for Frontity-based websites? How can integrating a website testing tool with Frontity help improve the user experience and enhance website performance?

I found top website testing tools for Frontity-based websites. Lighthouse is an open-source tool developed by Google that provides performance and accessibility audits for websites. It can help you identify areas for improvement in your Frontity-based website in a 100 second test.

Testing is a crucial aspect of website development to ensure its functionality, performance, and user experience. Here are some testing tools that can be used for testing Frontity-based websites promotional goods can help businesses:

  1. Jest:
  • Type: Unit Testing
  • Description: Jest is a popular JavaScript testing framework that is often used for unit testing. It is easy to set up and configure, supports snapshot testing, and integrates well with Frontity projects.