πŸ“£ [Announcements] The final release of Frontity 1.0 is here!

Today, we’re incredibly excited to introduce Frontity 1.0 to the world! :tada:

You can read our blog post about the release here: https://frontity.org/blog/announcing-frontity-1-0/.


Feel free to give it a RT: https://twitter.com/frontity/status/1141740490225790976 :slight_smile:

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Congratulations, big achievement!

Out of curiously, did comments make it into the release?

Hi Patrik! Welcome! :blush::wave:

And thanks for your question! Unfortunately, comments were not ready for the release. They will be supported once the wp-comments extension is ready. If you’ve subscribed to our newsletter, you will be notified as soon as new extensions like this are released.

If there is anything else I can help with, let me know!