I need to send the authentication cookies in every request to the REST API made with @frontity/wp-source
I want to request /wp-json/wp/v2/users
and get a full list of users if I’m authenticated as an admin.
Possible solution
One way to solve this is passing a fetch
options object as a parameter to libraries.source.api.get
so I can use fetch
with { credentials: "include" }
to attach cookies to the request. (This solution won’t work with the default handlers, only with those created by users that decide to pass the options object to api.get
Another possible way is to set a general option in wp-source
state like allowCredentials: true
and the libraries.source.api.get
should use that option to set the credentials value to "include"
, which is the value that allows the cookies to be shared between subdomains.
I am designing the version 2 of source
packages right now and I am actually thinking that we should remove libraries.source.api
in favor of a helper like:
import { getApiUrl } from "@frontity/wp-source/helpers";
const myHandler = ({ state, options }) => {
const apiUrl = getApiUrl({ state, options });
const response = await fetch(apiUrl);
That way you won’t have to build the URL yourself but you get to do the fetch
yourself, and have more control over it.
import { getApiUrl } from "@frontity/wp-source/helpers";
const myHandler = ({ state, options }) => {
const apiUrl = getApiUrl({ state, options });
const response = await fetch(apiUrl, { credentials: "include" });
The apiUrl
returned by getApiUrl
can be a URL object, which is accepted by fetch
. Maybe something like this:
const getApiUrl = ({ state, options, api, endpoint, params }) => {
// Use options.api or the default.
const base = api || options.api || state.source.api;
// Use options endpoint or the default.
let endpoint = endpoint || options.endpoint || state.wpSource.default.endpoint;
// Add /wp/v2 to endpoint if needed.
if (!endpoint.startsWith("/")) endpoint = `/wp/v2/${endpoint}`;
// Join them and make sure there are no repeated /.
const api = `${base}/${endpoint}`.replace(/\/+/, "/");
// Build the URL object.
const url = new URL(base);
// Add the params.
const allParams = ({
embed: true,
Object.keys(allParams).forEach(key =>
url.searchParams.append(key, allParams[key])
return url;
Other packages like wp-graphql-source
will have their own helper to build the API URL.
Two questions:
- What do you think about this approach?
- Can you use
manually instead of libraries.source.api
for now?
I created this topic with the intention of starting a discussion about it, but I have no preferred way to solve this issue.
The helper looks good to me. I was wondering if api.get
had to exist in the first place, because we’ll run soon into a situation where we need to extend every HTTP method like
and having to maintain that doesn’t make sense I think.
I don’t understand completely the getApiUrl
function though. What is options
and params
? Is options
part of a refactorization of the handlers API?
Yes, I wasn’t actually planning on using api.get
that much because most of the cases where I want to be authenticated are POST
requests, so I already needed to use fetch
EDIT: I’ve updated the topic title.
Awesome! Thanks for your input @orballo 
Yeah, sorry, I’m thinking already with the new API. I’ll open the Feature Discussion for Source v2 as soon as I can 
Basically, you could configure the handler in the state
like this:
export default {
state: {
source: {
handlers: {
home: {
pattern: "/",
options: {
type: "archive",
endpoint: "posts"
category: {
pattern: "/category/(.*)?/:slug",
options: {
type: "taxonomy",
endpoint: "posts",
taxonomyEndpoint: "categories"
That way people will be able to configure the handlers with their frontity.settings.js
const settings = {
state: {
source: {
handlers: {
home: {
pattern: "/blog"
Or even create new handlers without writing code:
const settings = {
state: {
source: {
handlers: {
weirdCategory: {
pattern: "/weird-category",
options: {
type: "archive",
endpoint: "weird-post-type",
params: {
per_page: 50,
categories: "123,456,789"
This is a super brief example of the new Source v2 API, it has much more 
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