Adding additional properties to a post item?

In the List component, each post is identified with three properties:

  • type
  • id
  • link

I’ve made the post category radio buttons with a plugin ensuring that only a single category can be selected per post. Is there a simple way to populate that category information into the post object? So my new post object has:

  • type
  • id
  • link
  • category

Not really, because that information belongs to the entity. You could create a hook that returns the info that you want:

import { useConnect } from "frontity";

const usePost = (link) => {
  // Access the state using the hook.
  const { state } = useConnect();
  // If link is not set, use the current link.
  link = link ||;
  // Get the data and the entity.
  const { id, type } = state.source.get(link);
  const { categories } =[];
  // Return the properties.
  return {
    category: categories[0],

Then use it later on (don’t forget to connect the component that uses the hook):

import { connect } from "frontity";
import usePost from "../hooks/use-post";

const Post = () => {
  const { type, id, link, category } = usePost();
  return (
    // ...

export default connect(Post);

Or in an archive:

import { connect } from "frontity";
import usePost from "../hooks/use-post";

const List = ({ state }) => {
  const data = state.source.get(;

  return{ link }) => {
    const { type, id, category } = usePost(link);
    return (
      // ...

export default connect(List);