Hi, i´m new to Frontity and i’m on my way to build a WP back-end heavily based on ACF.
However I have issues with the the custom fetching to the state.
I have read Dominique´s post about this, I can’t really say i understand much of it unfortunately
I have manages to create a custom endpoint via frontity-settings.js
"name": "@frontity/wp-source",
"state": {
"source": {
"url": "https://mydomain.com",
"ACF": "https://mydomain.com/wp-json/acf/v3/options/options",
"homepage" : "/my-startpage"
This gives me something to work with. frontity.state.source
in the console gives me the url back.
Sources: {
ACF: "https://mydomain.com/wp-json/acf/v3/options/options"
Dominique is using a acfOptionsHandler function in the outer index.js
. However it dose not work for me. Noting happens. Probably I missed some steps here.
Could someone give me an explanation on how (and where in the theme structure) to correctly fetch and populate custom endpoints?
I’m answering my own question.
Don’t bother with the frontity.state.source. Here is a modified version of the old thread that works.
Your index.js should look like this
import Theme from "./components";
import image from "@frontity/html2react/processors/image";
import iframe from "@frontity/html2react/processors/iframe";
// Custom handler for ACF options
const acfOptionsHandler = {
pattern: "acf-settings",
func: async ({ route, state, libraries }) => {
// 1. Get ACF option page from REST API.
const response = await libraries.source.api.get({
endpoint: `/acf/v3/options/options`
const option = await response.json();
// 2. Add data to `source`.
const data = state.source.get(route);
Object.assign(data, { ...option, isAcfOptionsPage: true });
const marsTheme = {
name: "ThemeName",
roots: {
* In Frontity, any package can add React components to the site.
* We use roots for that, scoped to the `theme` namespace.
theme: Theme,
state: {
* State is where the packages store their default settings and other
* relevant state. It is scoped to the `theme` namespace.
theme: {
menu: [],
isMobileMenuOpen: false,
featured: {
showOnList: false,
showOnPost: false,
* Actions are functions that modify the state or deal with other parts of
* Frontity like libraries.
actions: {
theme: {
beforeSSR: async ({ state, actions }) => {
await Promise.all([
toggleMobileMenu: ({ state }) => {
state.theme.isMobileMenuOpen = !state.theme.isMobileMenuOpen;
closeMobileMenu: ({ state }) => {
state.theme.isMobileMenuOpen = false;
libraries: {
html2react: {
* Add a processor to `html2react` so it processes the `<img>` tags
* inside the content HTML. You can add your own processors too
processors: [image, iframe],
source: {
handlers: [acfOptionsHandler]
export default marsTheme;
Then you can request ACF Settings like this
const Root = ( {state} ) => {
const options = state.source.get("acf-settings");