I’ve been testing this because Codesandbox now supports using GitHub repositories as templates changing the github.com domain with a githubbox.com domain.
The only thing a Frontity project needs now is a sandbox.config.json file with this configuration:
I’ve also asked if they plan to add support for this configuration in the package.json file. If they do, maybe we could add it to the package.json we generate with npx frontity create and that would make every Frontity repository a codesandbox template.
We still need to figure out how to keep our own repos/templates up to date (what this Feature Discussion is about).
@documentation-team maybe you could add the sandbox.config.json file to all our demos and a link to “Edit it in Codesandbox” like what we have in our website.
Hey, I was playing with our codesandbox yesterday (actually, to make a demo to respond a user in the community) and I stumbled upon this issue again. The last time the repository was updated was in Oct 5, 2020…
If we don’t update the yarn.lock file regularly, the codesandbox instances always install the old packages. And it’s not easy to update all of them manually in codesandbox. First, you have to fork the codesandbox instance, then open a new terminal, run yarn upgrade and finally restart the container. That’s something we cannot ask people to do, and also I’m a bit worried – now that we are gaining visibility – about people trying out Frontity in codesandbox and facing old bugs or wanting to try new features that are not in old packages.
I guess we should keep this in mind and update yarn.lock everytime we do a new package release, right? Just including this in our release process, either manually or automatically.
We can include the codesandbox project inside /projects and add an automation to the github workflow to run yarn upgrade in that project and commit the changes each time we do a new release.
I think this approach would be simpler than the other one.
EDIT: Not so fast, we cannot run yarn upgrade if the packages haven’t been released yet.
@juanma@mburridge : what’s your opinion? You have more experience than us with codesandbox
Also, I guess it would be great to have a default template that starts with Mars Theme, but it would be also great to have a list somewhere of all the other themes and demos that we have, right?
So it would be great to figure out this not only for the default template but for the rest of the projects/demos as well.
I think the simplest solution is just to remove the yarn.lock file (as you’ve already done)
We have already this repo with several demos. Each demo has its own link to codesandbox. One of the goals of this Q is improving these demos and their visibility