New Frontity Talk – ES6 topics & mars-theme

We have published a new video as part of the Frontity Talks series. In this one, we talk about ES6 topics and mars-theme.

Hope this Frontity Talk is useful for you. If you want to watch any of our previous Frontity Talks, you can find them all in this Youtube playlist.

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Feel free to ask if you have any questions.


Thanks! Most things were already clear to me, but I’m absolutely sure that this is good stuff for developers who aren’t familiar with Frontity yet. Will show it to my co-developers!


To the end there’s some talk about fetching a next post or the list of the home page.

But with the auto prefetch function (Auto Prefetch data), this will be already done if the link is in view, right? At least, when auto-prefetch has been configured with the all or in-view setting.


That is correct, data is pre-fetched if state.theme.autoPrefetch is set to all or in-view - or pre-fetched on hover if state.theme.autoPrefetch is set to hover.

This talk was recorded at about the time that the component and pre-fetching was released so I guess it wasn’t taken into account at the time.

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