Hello @luisherranz, I tried your solution but when I am typing any id I get a 404 page
const helloHandler = {
pattern: "/hello/:id",
func: ({ state, link, params }) => {
state.source.data[link].isHello = true;
state.source.data[link].id = params.id;
packages: [
name: "@awsmin/f1",
state: {
theme: {
menu: [
["Nos occasions", "/"],
["L'atelier", "/category/nature/"],
["Nos services", "/category/travel/"],
["Qui sommes-nous", "/tag/japan/"],
["ActualitƩs", "/about-us/"],
["Nous contacter", "/about-us/"],
featured: {
showOnList: false,
showOnPost: false,
actions: {
theme: {
init: ({ libraries }) => {
// Use html2react to process the <img> tags inside the content HTML.
// libraries.html2react.processors.push(image);
// Add the handler to wp-source.
and my index.js I create a component with sample h1 at that time
<Loading when={data.isFetching} />
<List when={data.isArchive} />
<HomeScreen when={data.isHome} />
<VehicleScreen when={data.isOffers} />
<Entretien when={data.isEntretien} />
<Hello when={data.isHello} />
<Jobs when={data.isAwsmJobOpenings} />
<Page when={data.isPage} />
<Post when={data.isPostType} />
<PageError when={data.isError} />