How do I add woocommerce endpoint to the state?

Hi, @mmczaplinski :wave:
Until now, its a proof of concept, and I am taking advantage to learn React and Frontity.
I think Woocommerce is an excellent opportunity to apply the framework.
Soon I will include news, such as variable products and different payment gateways

I just updated the code on my local. Absolutely AWESOME. Orders work perfectly! I just want to add Stripe to my test frontity build to actually grab the payment before sending the order to wordpress and itā€™s ready for a basic live woocommerce store.

This use case is genuinely exciting. Woocommerce is a monster for CPU with all its admin ajax, cart refresh fragments, uncached logged in user sessions, etc.

Offloading that intensive part of the store to Frontity would save someone thousands, even tens of thousands in hardware costs at scale.

Really incredible work @vscopise!


Sounds great @vscopise, keep us updated! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @mmczaplinski !

I have a question that I would like to share:

To handle variable products I have a ā€œvariationsā€ field:

and I also have an endpoint to get each variation:

I would need to create a form to choose the desired variation and thus obtain its price, its description, its image, etc.

Hi @vscopise !

Iā€™m sorry but what is your question exactly? :slight_smile:

Hi @mmczaplinski !

In this example you have a Typical variable product, with 2 variations: size and colour.

In the product endpoint the diferents variation idā€™s could be obtain and thereā€™s another endpoint to obtain the variation itself.

I would like to build a form that allows choosing between the different variations, as you can see in the Woocommerce Storefront theme.

Thanks !! :smiley:

Hey @vscopise !

Do you have an example of the code that you are using to try to accomplish what youā€™ve described? Can you describe the approach(es) that you have tried?

Are there any errors that you are facing?

Hi @mmczaplinski !
I guess I need a handler first to get all the variationā€™s product and then add them to the state

the endpoint could be:


2 parameters, how should it be?

After that in the Variation Component I should build the form based on the different variations

Uhm, interesting. The WP sites is not working right now, but are variations included if you use _embed=true in the request or you have to fetch them in a separate request?

Hi, @luisherranz, they are separated request, one fetch for the product and other for the variation



Ok, then I guess you need to do an additional request, yes.

Does the URL /wp-json/wp/v2/product/516/variation fetch all the variations?

Hi @luisherranz, Iā€™ve update de WC Plugin in to include all the variations.

The endpoint would be

It is also possible to obtain the individual variation: