Execute script tags found in content

Rodmap Card
Status: In Progress


React doesn’t execute the code inside a script tag:

const MyScript = () => (
  <script src="https://my-scripts.com/script.js" />

For that reason, html2react doesn’t execute the script tags included in content:

const content = "<script src=\"https://my-scripts.com/script.js\" />";

const Post = () => (
  <Html2React html={content} />

We need to solve that situation.

User Stories

As a Frontity user
I want to the script tags included in my content to be executed
so that things work in the same way than in PHP

Possible solution

We used to have a component that did this for embed tweets. The trick was to use appendChild on component mount.


  • Should this work by default or should it require a processor?
libraries: {
  html2react: {
    processors: [script, image]
  • Should this work with code scripts, or only external scripts? Using something like eval()?
const MyScript = () => (
    console.log("I am not executed");

@iamuchejude can you work on this? :slight_smile:

@luisherranz I am on it


You can check if it works going to:

That way, you will be loading the embed <scripts> only with React (no SSR involved).

This is wrong because the <blockquote> was not processed:

And once it’s fixed, it should look like this because the <script> changes the blockquote to a complex tweet:

@iamuchejude has started the work on this PR: https://github.com/frontity/frontity/pull/266

Regarding the questions, I’m going to answer them myself but feel free to add your opinion:

  • Should this work by default or should it require a processor?
    I think it’s safer to add it by default. After all, we are “fixing something we broke”. Without this processor the content <scripts> won’t work and in WordPress they work fine.
  • Should this work with code scripts, or only external scripts? Using something like eval() ?
    Following the same principle, we should also execute the code inside the <scripts> because that’s the way it works in WordPress.

We can add a setting to html2react to turn this behavior off:

const settings = {
  // ...
  packages: [
    // ...
      name: "@frontity/html2react",
      state: {
        html2react: {
          allowScripts: false // true by default

@luisherranz I really don’t see a use-case for setting allowScripts. I don’t think there is anyone that would want their embedded blocks to come in another form/shape/structure. I mean, I want to see twitter embeds come out as designed.

Agreed. Don’t add it then :slight_smile:

1 Like

Just wanted to say I saw the newsletter and this seems super dope! This should make it easier to implement things like my planned lightbox gallery component. I can do it easily in PHP but it’s a little hard to figure out how to do it in a React centric way (I’ll still try to do it in a react way if I can but it’s nice to have this option)