Every thing is duplicated in source when adding custom post types

Hello again my rescuers :smiley:

I noticed that everything in state.source.postTypes and libraries.source.handlers is duplicated for the added CPT


I don’t know if this is the intended behavior or am I making anything wrong??

By the way
I’m about to release this site soon and I’m very excited to share it with you so I can get your helpful feedback :slight_smile:

Thanks guys.

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Hello :slightly_smiling_face:

It seems the same bug as this one. We were working on that and found a solution and it was merged yesterday. Once we release a new version, you should update your Frontity site and this problem should be solved. We’ll let you know once this is ready.

We’re pretty excited about this too :grin: We really want to see what you’ve been building these last weeks. keep us posted!

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Hi @modyydom! Could you please try updating now? We’ve just released the new version where this bug is solved (You can check the full announcement at this topic).

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