Deploying to Vercel Issues

I can see, it’s now in the review section of current sprint, any ETA would you like to provide? or help with any workaround?

It got merged now. :smiley: So, ETA for the new npm version release?

Okay, I found the issue. In my case it was the use of wrong file name “Post” instead of “post” while importing the Post component. It worked fine on my system because I’m using the Windows OS and file names are the Windows file system isn’t case sensitive, so it treats these Post and post as the same files. But on the other hand, Vercel uses Linux, and the file system is case sensitive and post.js and Post.js are different files for it. So, it tried to find Post.js which wasn’t exist and as a result it thrown the error.

@dejangeorgiev you had the smilair issue where you were trying to import component from author instead of the Author. I have created a pull request with fix for you. :slight_smile:


Hi @Divaksh :wave:

Thank you very much for investigating, finding it and fixing it! Amazing :raised_hands:

Just accepted your pull request!

All the best,


Good catch @Divaksh. Most of us here at Frontity use Macs, which are Unix based and so also have a case sensitive file system, so it would be harder for us to spot an issue like this. Glad you were able to find a solution to @dejangeorgiev’s issue. Really happy to see the community helping each other out in this way. :+1:

By the way @dejangeorgiev the new site looks great - good work! :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:


Thank you guys!
Love this framework and the community. Keep it up :raised_hands:t3:

@mburridge Thank you also for your encouraging words! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Awesome @Divaksh :clap:

Just so you know, I’ve just tested deploying @Divaksh project with the last frontity version and now the proper error pops up:

So, sorry about that guys.

You should be able to see these types of errors from now on :slightly_smiling_face: