Compatibility with Akismet anti-spam plugin

A customer using Frontity PRO is planning to migrate to their own development using Frontity Framework and they use the Akismet plugin to prevent spam in the comments.

I didn’t know if the Akismet anti-spam plugin is compatible with the REST API so I opened this issue:

I’ll keep you posted :frontity:

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This was fast.

One of the plugin authors confirmed the compatibility:

Yes, Akismet should be compatible, since the REST API uses the standard WordPress comment functions, and Akismet hooks into the wp_insert_comment action.

As far as I know we are not even using the REST API for comments, but the PHP POST API. Is that right @David?

Anyway, it should work with Akismet because Akismet works after the comment is submitted, it does not prevent submission.

That’s correct, Luis. We are making a POST request to the PHP comments endpoint, not the REST API.